Ministries and other Contacts at St. Mary Magdalen

  • Contact: Sandra Gonzalez

    Annual Weekend Retreat for men and women to have a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. If you would like to attend an ACTS retreat please call Zonia.

    Retiro de fin de semana para hombres y mujeres para tener un encuentro personal con Jesucristo. Si le gustaría venir a un retiro de ACTS favor de llamar a Zonia.


    Maricela Castruita 210-744-9659

    Dedicated to increasing the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, organize holy hours and Nocturnal adoration

    Dedicados a incrementar la adoración del Santísimo Sacramento, organizan horas santas y adoración nocturna.

  • MINISTRY CONTACT: Alma Infante Canas 210-887-4862

    Children serve during mass to help the priests. The children must have completed First Communion, children meet once a month for training, spiritual growth, support and fun

    Niños sirven durante las misas para ayudar a los sacerdotes. Los niños deben de haber terminado su primera comunión y se reúnen una vez al mes para entrenamiento, crecimiento espiritual, apoyo y diversión.


    Philomena Martinez 210-362-8358

    Cares for the church by purchasing all that is needed for church services. They maintain the sanctuary, main altar, and decorate for Liturgical seasons.

    Atienden la iglesia comprando lo que se necesita para los servicios. Mantienen el santuario, el altar mayo y decoran para las temporadas litúrgicas.


    Deano & Lisa Lopez 210-383-1267

    Classes and support for parents and sponsors for the sacrament of Baptism.


    Fidel Navarro 210-334-1906

    Dan clases y apoyo para los padres y padrinos en el sacramento del bautismo.


    Cinday Tapia 210-860-2131

    Catholic lay and religious women, 18 years of age or older, who love and support the Church and wish to participate in social, and charitable activities, are welcome. Founded in 1903 by the Knights of Columbus. The largest national organization of Catholic women dedicated to strengthen their spiritual life through Christ and his Church.


    Maricela Solis 210-478-0568

    Weekly charismatic prayer services on Thursdays, 7:00 p.m. (Spanish Group in church, English Group in Jubilee Hall). Sponsor a Healing Mass the last Thursday of each month in the church. Twice a year these prayer groups provide “Life In the Spirit” seminars, an introduction to a life lived in the power of the Holy Spirit.


    Cindy Castillo 210-653-0941

    Each weekend mass has a music group dedicated to the joyful sound of voices and instruments to praise the Lord.


    Karinna Soto 210-584-9052

    Coordinates cleaning and maintenance of church grounds/buildings, with contractors and volunteers.

    Coordina la limpieza y mantenimiento de la iglesia y sus edificios con la ayuda de contratistas y voluntarios.


    Francis Portillo 210-845-9489

    Welcomes teenagers from 9th to 11th grade to prepare them for Confirmation.

    Prepara jóvenes del grado 9 al 11 para la Confirmación.

  • Contacto del Ministerio:

    Ramiro Rivera 210-863-7632

    Hombres de todas las edades estan invitados todos los miercoles a venir y crecer en su fe al escuchar las platicas del Obispo Fulton Sheen, discutirlas en grupos pequeños y compartir el pan con hermanos en Cristo


    Mercedes Barajas 210-689-3136

    Grupo que reza la Coronilla de la Divina Misericordia de Lunes a Viernes en la capilla de Adoración a las 3:00 p.m.

    Group that prays the Chaplet of Divine Mercy from Monday to Friday in the Adoration Chapel at 3:00 p.m.


    Dora Saenz 210-667-5019

    Host an annual Family Retreat at St. Mary Magdalen Church.

    Organizan un retiro anual para las familias.


    Alberto Jimenez 210-535-2903

    Assists the pastor in the administration of parish temporal matters. Promoting the financial health of a parish, assuring accountability and are the consultee body of the pastor on administration.

    Ayudan al Padre Will en la administración de la parroquia. Promueven una parroquia con salud financiera y responsabilidad y son los consejeros del Padre en lo que administración.

  • Ministry Contact: Lydia Perez 210-843-3500


    Fr. Larry Sergott - call the Parish Office (210) 735-5269

    Held in the chapel Tuesdays at 6:15 p.m., Fr. Larry meets with parishioners who want to learn how to navigate life with the help of God. They read scripture, catholic books, writings of the Saints and the catholic catechism.

    *In English only


    Yolanda Pytel 210-834-0847

    A ministry with a reverence for all life. We give love and support to any women in desperate need that has small children, assisting them with diapers, toys, clothes, counseling and prayer.

    Es un ministerio que respeta la vida. Damos amor y apoyo a cualquier mujer desesperada, con niños y necesidades materiales y espirituales, les ayudamos con pañales, juguetes, ropa, consejería y oración


    Consuelo Patino 210-999-1180

    Cada semana nos reunimos los Jueves en la Iglesia a las 7pm, tenemos alabanzas en vivo, platicas interesantes sobre nuestra fe, oración, adoración, cuidado de niños y jóvenes y convivencia. Cada mes tenemos misa carismática de sanación y cada año tenemos el Seminario de Bautizo en El Espíritu Santo.


    Lorena Diaz 210-251-1901

    An international society whose goal is to promote devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe through prayer and service. They sponsor retreats and yearly pilgrimages to La Virgen De San Juan Del Valle, help with church cleaning, flowers and special needs. Also help the poor in our community.

    Somos una sociedad internacional que promovemos la devoción a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe a través de la oración y el servicio. Tenemos retiros anuales y peregrinación anual a La Virgen de San Juan del Valle. Ayudamos en la limpieza de la iglesia, las flores del altar y necesidades especiales. También ayudamos a los pobres de nuestra comunidad.


    Romeo Garza 210-273-5366

    Meets every Saturday morning at 7:30 a.m. in Jubilee Hall. This bilingual group meets to pray, discuss and share Scripture readings, and fellowship. They also sponsor free one day retreats for men every year.

    Nos reunimos cada Sábado a las 7:30am en el Jubilee Hall. Somos un grupo bilingüe que nos reunimos a orar, compartir sobre las Escrituras y convivimos. También una vez al año, tenemos un retiro de un día gratis para hombres.


    Adrian Cadengo Jr. 210-440-3821

    A Catholic men’s service organization dedicated to helping our community develop and grow by being involved in parish activities and supporting parish goals. Together we practice the principals of our Order: Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism.


    Rosa Gonzales 210-421-3720

    An international organization known for their spiritual dedication to the shut-ins in their homes or senior citizen homes. Members set their own schedules for visits with individuals.


    Misa de Sabados 6:00 p.m.

    Aide Aguirre 210-669-6885

    Llámanos si te sientes el llamado a servir en la misa de 6pm en Español los sábados. Ya sea como lector, Ministro de Eucaristía, Ugieres (levantando la colecta), dando la bienvenida al iniciar misa o repartiendo boletines al finalizar la misa.

    Misa de Domingos 9:00am

    Nadia Ramirez 210-557-6658

    Llámanos si te sientes el llamado a servir en la misa de 9am en español los Domingos. Ya sea como lector, Ministro de Eucaristía, Ugiere (levantando la colecta), dando la bienvenida al iniciar misa o repartiendo boletines al finalizar la misa.

    Misa los Domingos 2:30 pm

    Reyna Celis 210-438-2399

    Dalia Rodriguez 210-833-2399


    Sunday Mass 7:30 a.m.

    Natalie Villasana 210-492-5736

    Call us if you feel the call to serve at the 7:30 mass in English on Sunday Mornings. There is opportunity to serve as a lector, Eucharistic Minister, usher, welcoming or passing out bulletins

    Sunday Mass 10:45 a.m.

    Bobby & Paula Sanchez 210-861-8667

    Call us if you feel the call to serve at the 10:45 mass in English on Sunday Mornings. There is opportunity to serve as a lector, Eucharistic Minister, usher, welcoming or passing out bulletins.

    Sunday Mass 12:30 p.m.

    Annette Rodriguez 210-386-7679

    Call us if you feel the call to serve at the 12:30 mass in English on Sundays. There is opportunity to serve as a lector, Eucharistic Minister, usher, welcoming or passing out bulletins


    Florinda De Leon 210-260-3525

    Adult dance group to honor La Virgen de Guadalupe.

    Adultos que danzan en honor de la Virgen de Guadalupe.


    Elvira Mata 210-531-6593

    Grupo de mujeres que nos reunimos cada Sábado a las 7:30 am en el Jubilee Hall para orar, compartir las escrituras y convivir.


    Irma Tamez 210-421-1148

    Children who dance to honor La Virgen de Guadalupe.

    Niños que danzan en honor a la virgen de Guadalupe.


    Monica Reed 210-542-8899

    Vengan los Miercoles de 7 a 8:30 pm en el Jubilee Hall a aprender la importancia y sencillez de la Oracion Mental


    Aide Aguirre 210-669-6885

    Advisory board for our Pastor Fr. Will regarding our community.

    Consejeros del Padre Will referente a nuestra comunidad.


    Cathy Shafer 210-843-9622

    This program prepares adults who are inquiring about the Catholic religion. Classes also prepare adults for Baptism, First Eucharist and Confirmation. Candidates meet from August through May.


    Ofelia Rivera 210-387-5377

    Parents assist in preparing children for Baptism, First Eucharist and Confirmation. Candidates meet from August through May.


    Minerva & Francisco Herrera 210-508-0860

    RICA: Este programa prepara a adultos que necesitan entrar a la fe católica. Las clases preparan a los adultos para el Bautismo, Primera Comunión y Confirmación. Se reúnen de Agosto a Mayo.

    RICAN: Los padres ayudan a preparar a sus hijos mayores de 6 años que necesitan el Bautismo, Primera Comunión y Confirmación, se reúnen de Agosto a Mayo.

  • Contacto del Ministerio:

    Lorena Valenzuela 210-872-7174

    Por el Triunfo del Corazón Inmaculado de María

     Oremos juntos en el Cenáculo por las familias, comunidades, ciudades, y por toda la humanidad para vencer la mentira con la verdad, el mal con el bien, los vicios con las virtudes, y la cultura de la muerte con la cultura de la vida.


    Lupe Tygett 404-539-2903

    CeCe Abel 210-279-5303

    Promote a Christian life through study and imitation of their patron saint: Francis of Assisi. Support quarterly blood drives, assist with funerals, hospital visitations, lead Stations of the Cross during Lent, and assist with other parish needs.


    Francis Portillo 210-845-9469

    Group for people 60+ years old, meets every other Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. in Jubilee Hall for fellowship, fun, exercise and faith.

    Grupo para personas mayores de 60 años, se reúnen cada dos semanas los miércoles a las 10 am en el Jubilee Hall para hacer amistades, jugar, crecer en la fe, y hacer ejercicios.


    Irma Juarez 210-241-8025

    Spiritual coaching for married or divorced people.

    Entrenamiento spiritual para personas casadas o divorciadas.


    William Daily (210) 735-1381 or visit online at

    At St. Mary Magdalen School, "La Escuela", students in PK3-8th grade engage in a dynamic academic experience preparing them for College and Heaven. We cultivate a growth mindset, biliteracy, and strong character inspired by the Gospel and Catholic Social Teaching.

    St. Mary Magdalen School offers opportunities to grow in excellence through diverse extracurricular programs, including Athletics, San Antonio Mariachi Academy, Clubs, and other academic activities.

    Students improve themselves and the community and world around them through service programs and a robust faith program that includes daily prayer, religion classes, and weekly adoration.


    Mary Jane Arcos 210-426-1287

    Dedicated to serving needy families by providing food, and payment of utility bills.

    Dedicados a servir familias necesitads, regalando comida, y ayudando con los pagos de luz.


    Ben Cardenas 210-601-9138

    We build enriched spiritual relationships with fellow veterans by providing resources and assistance which will strengthen their spiritual journey with Christ and develop a positive transformation of life renewed.


    Dc. Art Lozano 210-857-8011

    Deacon Art and volunteers schedule visits with sick, homebound, and elder parishioners to bring the Holy Eucharist and prayer.

    El Diacono Arturo y voluntarios visitan en sus casas a los enfermos y ancianos de nuestra comunidad para llevarles la Santa Eucaristía y oración.


    Pat Vera 210-724-0844

    English speaking women’s group that meets every Saturday morning at 7:30 a.m. at the Tilton Building for prayer, discussion, sharing of Scripture readings, and fellowship.